The Labour Relations Board (the Board) is an administrative tribunal whose job is to resolve issues that arise under the Labour Relations Code (the Code). This means it functions like a court, except that its processes are less formal than a court’s would be. Learn more about administrative tribunals on the Courts of BC website.
Established in 1974, the Board was the first independent, specialized tribunal created in Canada to deal with issues in unionized workplaces or workplaces that are becoming unionized. The Labour Relations Board's office is located in Vancouver, B.C.
I have a problem at work. Who can help me?
The Board does not investigate or adjudicate the merits of a workplace dispute, except in very specific situations and usually only when a union or employer ask it to.
Find out what other organizations can help you if you have a workplace dispute, or a concern about health, safety, bullying, or human rights
I have a question about something in the collective agreement. Can the Board answer my question?
No. The Board is a neutral party, which means it can’t give you advice about collective agreement rights or obligations and it can’t give you legal advice.
If you are an employee, talk to your union. If you are a union or an employer, consider getting legal advice.
What if my dispute is with my union?
The Code allows for an person to make an application to the Board regarding their union in limited circumstances. An employee may bring an application alleging the union has acted in an arbitrary, discriminatory, or bad faith manner in representing the employee in the workplace (Section 12) or a union member may bring an application that relates to internal union affairs (Section 10).
Read more about these types of applications here:
The Board can’t tell you what Section of the Code your dispute may fall under. The Board can’t provide guidance on how to deal with a dispute that falls outside the Code.
If you aren’t sure if your dispute falls under the Code or need help with a dispute, you may wish to get legal advice. Access Pro Bono may be able to provide some free legal advice or a lawyer referral:
I have a question that’s not answered on your site. Is there someone at the Board I can talk to?
The Board has an Information Officer available to answer questions about the Board and Board processes and procedures. Contact the Information Officer.
What does the Code cover?
The Code applies to all aspects of collective bargaining for provincially-regulated employers, employees, and trade unions to whom the Code applies. It covers a wide range of matters that cover the entire collective bargaining cycle. This includes:
- how employees get access to trade union representation (certification)
- the process of collective bargaining between trade unions and employers
- the rights, duties, and obligations of employees, trade unions, and employers
- unfair labour practices
- the right to strike or lockout
- sales of business, union successorship, and common employers
- joint consultation committees and workplace changes affecting a significant number of employees
- picketing and replacement workers during a labour dispute
- the maintenance of services during a labour dispute that are essential for the health, safety, or welfare of the residents of British Columbia
- a collective agreement process for resolving disputes during its term, including access to arbitration
- the Collective Agreement Arbitration Bureau (CAAB) which maintains a register of arbitrators and administers a process for the appointment of arbitrators for certain arbitration hearings and/or settlement meetings.
How is the Board organized?
The Board has four divisions:
- Registry
- Mediation
- Adjudication
- Administration
It also houses the Collective Agreement Arbitration Bureau (CAAB).
The Board employs over 30 people in a range of positions, such as Mediators, a Deputy Registrar, Special Investigating Officers, an Information Officer, Legal Counsel, and a range of highly dedicated individuals who support the work of the Board. The Board also currently has eight Order-In-Council appointee adjudicators, including the Chair, the Associate Chair, the Vice-Chair and Registrar, and six Vice-Chairs.
There are three general types of applications the Board receives:
- Applications for certification/decertification mediation and general applications under the Code that are dealt with by the Registry and Adjudication divisions.
- Applications for collective bargaining that are dealt with by the Mediation division.
- Applications to CAAB.
Orders in Council Appointments
Jennifer Glougie, Chair
February 5, 2030
Andres Barker, Associate Chair
April 30, 2025
Stephanie Ann Drake, Vice-Chair and Registrar
July 30, 2025
David Duncan Chesman, K.C., Vice-Chair
July 30, 2025
Carmen Hamilton, Vice-Chair
July 25, 2026
Jonathan Hanvelt, Vice-Chair
May 21, 2028
J. Najeeb Hassan, Vice-Chair
February 28, 2025
Rene-John Nicolas, Vice-Chair
April 11, 2026
Gurleen S. Sahota, Vice-Chair
March 28, 2026
Robyn Trask, Vice-Chair
(Temporary appointment under the Administrative Tribunals Act)
June 30, 2025