One of the mandates of the Labour Relations Board is to encourage cooperative participation between unions and employers (the parties). There are a number of ways that the Board can support parties to work together. There are also certain mechanisms in the Labour Relations Code (the Code) that put processes in place to foster dialogue between the parties.
The Board engages in informal dispute resolution and fact-finding to support the union and employer and address issues that come up in an application.
Every collective agreement must establish a joint union-management consultation committee. The purpose of the joint consultation committee is to provide unions and employers with an opportunity to meet regularly to talk about workplace issues.
Where there is a collective agreement in place, there are some types of changes an employer might make that require it to give formal notice to the union and to work with the union to develop an adjustment plan to mitigate the effects of the changes.
The Board offers relationship enhancement programs to help employers and unions develop cooperative working relationships.